How it all began
Over time, we have seen how toys have evolved with technology and how traditional forms of play have become less and less relevant. At the same time, conventional play concepts have also become overly structured and goal-oriented, losing the magic of imaginative play. We want to counter this. We have nothing against electronics and educational games, but neuroscientific research shows what many have always suspected: Traditional play promotes children's social, physical and mental well-being. Happy children explore the world and try to understand it through play in the truest sense of the word!
Especially creative toys such as play dough and other
modeling compounds can play a central role in the development of a child's brain and cognitive skills! Although there are many play doughs on the market, none of them have met our expectations in many respects. In addition to quality issues, there have been no real innovations or new play concepts based on play dough in recent decades. Game apps and social media have further reduced the attention span of children in the analog world and diminished the appeal of established play dough products and their copies. In addition, many of the traditional play doughs on offer are stereotypically gender-specific in terms of colors and designs and often appeal more to girls than boys. The predominantly economic reason for this is that girls supposedly prefer the creative process, while boys focus mainly on building and then playing with the results.
Our vision
Not just another play dough, but a play concept that differs from all previous offerings on the market! Based on neuroscience, playstilin & playstilin CONNECT combine concepts that promote playtime fun and child development!
Our mission
- Multi-sensory experiences - thanks to the different textures and haptics of the colorful play materials
- Creativity - endless possibilities when playing with amazingly different moldable play materials
- Logical thinking - combination of play materials with constructive building elements
Social responsibility
In addition to maximum product safety and strict compliance with international CSR standards, we also pay fair wages and include people with disabilities. Our playstilin products manufactured in Germany are assembled and packaged in workshops for the disabled as far as possible.